Preschool Autism Day Treatment
Interdisciplinary treatment individualized for each child
St. David’s Center Preschool Autism Day Treatment is offered during morning and afternoon sessions on our campus in Minnetonka, at Harley Hopkins Family Center, and for East African children diagnosed with autism, at our early intervention center in Minneapolis, the Harman Center for Child & Family Wellbeing.
As the Regional Greenspan Floortime Training Center, our staff treats each child using this proven development-, relationship-, and play-based intervention (Greenspan Floortime/DIR Development – Individual Differences – Relationship), while also utilizing the SCERTS framework (Social Communication – Emotional Regulation – Transactional Supports) to inform assessment and treatment.
Our interdisciplinary approach leads to outstanding results. Children benefit from the collaboration of mental health therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists. Therapeutic suites designed by our team are comprised of an interconnected classroom and occupational therapy gym, specifically designed around the sensitivities of children with ASD.
A Day In Autism Day Treatment
Learn MoreAbout Our Therapists
As a collaborative team, our Autism Day Treatment staff bring a high level of experience and expertise to their treatment. The team consists of:
- Licensed social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors trained in assessment and treatment of autism spectrum disorders and individual and group therapy;
- Occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists with training and experience in autism spectrum disorders, feeding therapy, assisted communication, and therapeutic listening;
- Highly trained Greenspan Floortime Therapists who consult with and support therapists in using this unique and proven approach to treatment.
Dedication to providing education and support for families.
St. David’s Center accepts many major insurance plans, Medical Assistance/TEFRA, PMAPs and private pay. Medical Assistance clients may qualify for our autism support services.