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Billing and Payment

Financial and Billing Resources

Building relationships that nurture the development of every child and family.


We are here to help you and your family navigate the cost and resources devoted to accessing services. Here, we provide information regarding internal and external financial resources, designed to help your family. If you have questions about these resources, please contact the Billing Team.

Contact Billing Team

Quick Links

Pay Your Bill

Looking to pay your bill? Click here to be redirected to our external, secure, payment form. An invoice number is helpful, but not required.

Pay Your Bill

Contact Billing

Have a question about your bill? Leave a voicemail with our billing team and they will respond within 24 hours.



Have questions? Discover some of our frequently asked questions and send in your own.

Get Answers

Payment & Budget Plans

We typically offer a standard 6-month payment plan, but you may submit a letter requesting an extended payment plan and explaining your extenuating circumstances to the Billing Office for further consideration. Additionally, we offer a year-round Budget Plan to help you plan for unexpected costs. We require autopay for our payment plans. To request a payment plan or Budget Plan, contact the Billing Team.

St. David’s Center Financial Assistance

Please fill out the form below if you would like to be considered for St. David’s Center’s Financial Assistance. Please review the form as it outlines the proof of income documents that are required along with a completed application in order for the application to be reviewed.

Financial Assitance Form

Think Small

Think Small helps families by providing financial support to help pay for high-quality early childhood education to prepare young children for school. The scholarship amount is up to $7,500 per 12-month period and must be used at a Minnesota childcare or early learning program that is a Parent Aware rated program (like St. David’s).

Learn More

United Healthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) Grant

UHCCF grants provide financial help/assistance to help fill the gap for families with children that have medical needs not covered or not fully covered by their commercial health insurance plan. You do not need to have UnitedHealthcare (UHC) insurance in order to quality for this grant.

Apply For Grant

Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

CCAP can help make quality child care affordable for eligible families.

Learn More

Medical Assistance (MA)/TEFRA Resources

Learn more about various MA and TEFRA resources below.

MA/TEFRA Resources

Pay Your Bill

Looking to pay your bill? Click here to be redirected to our external, secure, payment form. An invoice number is helpful, but not required.

Pay Bill
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