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Our Community Partners: Anna White-Lovely & Cargill

9 December 2017


My son, Walter, is an excelling sixth grader and avid athlete. Ten years ago, he came to St. David’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) program as a tiny two-year-old with weak gross- and fine-motor skills. Developmental delays from being born 10-weeks premature meant he struggled with most physical activity. When he turned two, we realized he would benefit from a preschool program; but, we weren’t sure he could physically keep up.

A friend at Cargill suggested St. David’s Center. Her children were in the ECE program; and I soon found out that there was quite a Cargill network of parents, given the proximity to our headquarters in Wayzata.

Walter’s teachers incorporated activities from his physical therapy into his daily play. He focused on climbing steps and the ladder to the slide. He learned to ride a tricycle and a scooter in Gym A. In addition to physical strength, Walter also developed strength of character – persistence, empathy and the art of taking turns.

Three years later, when Walter was able to start kindergarten on par with his age group, it was amazing. Matt and I are forever grateful to the care and education St. David’s provided him, as well as our sons Milo (now in fourth grade) and Thatcher (currently in his second year at St. David’s). 

Which is why, when it comes to our annual giving plan, St. David’s Center is on the top of our list. We hope to ensure as many families as possible can benefit from the critical services provided in our community. I am also grateful for the support of my employer, Cargill. The company sponsors St. David’s programs, events, capital campaigns, school forest conservation projects and volunteer efforts on campus. And they support me as a new member of the St. David’s board of directors.

The partnership between St. David’s, its families and local businesses and corporations, demonstrates the strength of this community. Our family is incredibly proud to be part of it.

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