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Join Us!

To celebrate the five-year anniversary of the
Harman Center for Child and Family Wellbeing

Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Westminster Presbyterian Church
1200 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis


Registration is now closed.

If you have any questions, please reach out to



It was five years ago that we opened the Harman Center for Child & Family Wellbeing, the region’s first multidisciplinary, culturally responsive early intervention center dedicated to children with global delays in development. Since its inception, the Harman Center has reached nearly 700 children most coming from downtown or first ring suburbs, and representative of historically underserved populations. In addition, we’ve expanded the scope of services beyond early childhood mental health treatment, pediatric therapies, and family support, to include an assessment team, immediate support to families as they are entering services, and an additional treatment room for children under three. We remove barriers to accessing comprehensive early intervention and ensure children receive all the support they need to build the foundation for success.

At the Harman Center our aim to invest early, invest deeply, and invest collaboratively in our families is guided by these core beliefs:

Parent-child relationships are the cornerstone of healthy families and communities.

Investing early in children offers the greatest hope and has the greatest return.

Access to the right mix of services for the whole family will achieve the best possible results.

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