Wow! Because the need is so great, we set an ambitious goal for the Make Them Shine Gala of $450,000. Because of our generous community, we raised over $600,000! Thanks to your generosity, we can now reach even more families in need. Thanks to you, children like Kai and Natalie are on a path filled with possibilities.
Thank you for lighting the way for thousands of children.
It is not too late. The need is great. Early intervention is life-changing. Your gift will light the way for more children like Kai and Natalie. Click on the link below to impact the lives of children and their families.
Cash Donation
Your gift directly supports our goal to reach more families across Minnesota with services in children’s mental health, parental support, early childhood education, and early intervention.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Hayley Hontos, Individual and Corporate Giving Officer at
Betsy Rogers Events Manager 952-548-8647