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St. David's Center Twin Cities Expansion, 2024-2026


St. David’s Center acquired 1130 Nicollet Mall, will begin a multi-phase renovation this summer, and will launch services in fall 2024.

Compelled to Grow 

By the Numbers:

  • 1 in 4 children has witnessed or experienced trauma by age four. For children from low-income households, this trauma risk doubles to 1 in 2 children. University of Connecticut School of Medicine, 2018.
  • 1 in 5 children has a diagnosable mental health issue, yet only 20% gain access to the services they need. Centers for Disease Control.
  • 1 in 6 children has a developmental delay or disability. Health Needs and Use of Services Among Children with Developmental Disabilities, Cogswell, Coil, Tian, Tinker, Ryerson, Maenner, Rice, Peacock, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2014-2018.
  • 1 in 34 children in Minnesota is diagnosed with Autsim Spectrum Disorder. MN-ADDM, 2020.

Preschool represents the highest-risk period for expulsion and suspension.

  • Pre-K students are expelled more than three times children in grades K–12. Yale University, 2005.  
  • Relative rates remain unchanged. U.S. Department of Education Office for ​Civil Rights, 2014. 
  • Preschool children living in high poverty areas are 4 times more likely​ to be suspended and expelled. Zeng et al., 2019.

Our Context 

We have a waiting list of over 1,800 young children who urgently need access to children’s mental health care, autism treatment, and other pediatric therapies. 

We are out of space at both of our campuses in Minneapolis and in Minnetonka. 

In recent years, the number of children’s mental health providers has decreased, with many closing or constricting services due to poor rates and increased costs.

Not only is St. David’s Center compelled to grow, but we also know our unique interdisciplinary approach works, and we are ready! 

In June 2024, we will close on the purchase of 1130 Nicollet Mall.

Our Vision for Growth in the Twin Cities Metro 

  • To acquire and renovate the building to align with our pediatric multidisciplinary developmental and behavioral health model, transforming an underutilized fitness center into a state-of-the-art early intervention center. 
  • To lease space to the YWCA to continue offering childcare. 
  • To collaborate with our families, with communities, and with our partners in nonprofits, our urban school districts, pediatric healthcare, and local and state government as we co-create solutions that stabilize and support families and improve developmental, educational, health, and wellbeing outcomes for young children. 
  • To contribute to the economic and community revitalization of downtown Minneapolis

To learn more, contact Maureen Walsh, Chief Advancement & Strategy Officer, at

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